Wednesday, July 1, 2020



Hey there!!This is Rashmi and it is my first post for the blog 😊. "All about eyes"πŸ‘€ as the name says you can find some useful information about eyes in here.So,the first post features on tips for tired looking eyes and remedies to relieve eye strain.

Signs of eye strain or tiredness could be like puffy/swollen lids,frequent blinking,squinting/squeezing of eyes, appearance of vessels on eyelids,dark circles and many moreπŸ‘€Today's urban lifestyle,compact spaces and lack of outdoor activity right from childhood is one of the main reason for eye strain and aquiring glasses power.Here are some useful tips below to keep your eyes healthy and happy.

Tip 1:
Cut-down your screen time in dim/dark light

Whatever you heard, the warning that people shouldn’t read regularly in dim light is a familiar one.
Cause: Usage of illuminated gadgets such as (mobile phones,laptops,etc) before bed could negatively affect your sleep patterns. Too much exposure to blue light emitted from the gadgets can damage light-sensitive cells in the retina.It might also increase a person's risk to a condition called 'macular degeneration' later in life.

Remedy: Switch-On to the night mode and/or  reduce brightness of your screens.Wear glasses with blue-protective lenses during screen time.Keep your phone away for atleast 30 minutes to 1 hour before you go to bed.You could rather compensate by listening to your favourite music 

Tip 2:
Follow the 20-20-20 rule

Causes:Eye problems caused by computer use fall under the heading computer vision syndrome (CVS). It isn’t one specific problem. Instead,it includes a whole range of eye strain and discomfort. Anything more than two hours at a stretch is called as prolonged usage.

Remedy: For every two prolonged hours,take a 15 minute break and follow the 20-20-20 rule to avoid tiredness of eyes.
                         The reason behind looking far (20 metres) away is recommended because you will be able to completely relax your eye muscles doing so.Your eyes are technically focusing at infinity.Similarly your eye muscles get relaxed even by closing your eyes.

Tip 3:
Maintain sleeping hours

Cause:Over sleep can give a puffy appearance of eye lids and face,where as lack of proper sleep can show as dark circles under the eyes

Remedy:Sleep patterns play a key role for healthy looking eyes.Studies show that a normal adult usually needs anywhere between 7 to 9 hours of sleep.Sleeping pattern also shows effect on body weight.Same way it can shows changes in appearance of eyes.So maintain your sleep timings

Tip 4: 
Eye screening right from childhood


Cause: As children may not complain regarding vision disturbances but may complain/notice the following :
  •    Frequently squinting to see better
  •    Sitting too close to the TV or holding a book too close
  •    Rubbing their eyes constantly
  •    Headaches and tired eyes
  •    Closing one eye to see or read better
  •    Sensitivity to light and teary eyes  
Remedy: In today's digital world,education,shopping,job,banking,almost everything has become online.As a result gadgets are introduced into our life right from pre-school or much earlier.Getting eyes screened to know for the presence of an uncorrected power from early-schooling age itself can relieve your child's eyes from getting tired and lazy.
  • Encourage outdoor activities by cutting down screen time
  • Provide them a pair of blue-protective glasses when on screen
Myth: Wearing glasses is not recommended for children 
Fact: Wearing glasses can correct your child's vision and can make your child see normal depending upon the condition 

autumn outdoor activities kids kite


Tip 5:
Wear Sunglasses

Cause:On sun-exposure,UV-A rays (320–400 nm) can pass through the eye and reach retina.They can be harmful to the retina in eye and can also cause damage of the sensitive skin around eyes.Over exposure is linked to development of certain types of cataract and retina problems.

Remedy:Use U.V protected sunglasses/ photochromatic lenses while in sun for children and adults to avoid the harmful effects of U.V rays.Avoid applying sunscreen lotions close to your eyes.Consult a dermatologist for an under eye skin care.

Tip 6:
Avoid sleeping with make-up

Cause: Make-up or exposure to dust/pollution can block the pores on your lid margins and can cause inflammation.The skin on the eye ball which is conjunctiva can be sensitive to these particles and can cause allergic reactions when not applied properly/not cleaned thoroughly before going to bed.

Remedy: Wipe-off your make-up before going to bed to avoid eye infections and allergies.As skin under the eye is very sensitive,handle with care while you wipe your eyes


Tip 7:
Healthy food for healthy eyes

Cause:Poor nutrition can lead to eye problems such as dry eyes,night blindness in childhood and lack of vitamins and anti-oxidants can cause age related macular degenerative changes in the eyes.

Remedy: Some studies suggest that diets high in Vitamin-A may be associated with a reduced early risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.As a rule of thumb, the brighter and more deeply colored fruits and vegetables contain higher levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

  • The foods rich in Vitamin-A includes yellow and orange-colored fruits such as mango,carrots,papaya,etc
  • Foods rich in Vitamin-E includes sunflower seeds and nuts such as almonds,walnuts,etc
  • Vitamin C found in citrus fruits also has antioxidants that protect the cells in your eyes from free radicals
  • Brightly colored green vegetables are often rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin, antioxidant nutrients deposited in the retinas of your eyes.These plant-based forms of vitamin A lower your risk of long-term eye diseases.It is also found in eggs.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish such as salmons,tunas have also been shown to help prevent and reduce the symptoms of age-related macular degeneration and dry eyes
  • Minerals such as Zinc brings Vitamin-A from your liver to your retina, where it's used to make the protective pigment melanin, sources include eggs,meat,sea food such as prawns and shell fishes

TIP 8 :
Avoid Stress

Cause:Stress can also affect you mentally as well as aesthetically as it could trigger sleep deprivation and can give you appearance of dullness and dark circles.Your eyes are no exception to the physical impact of stress.It can trigger migraines and some migraine sufferers experience blurry vision and/or sensitivity to light.

Remedy: Regular exercises, yoga,etc can keep you happy and peaceful.Apply cold gel packs/cucumber/refridgerated tea bags under your tired eyes.Tea bags have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and can make your tired eyes look better!!

Healthier eyes for a happier life!!

Tell me: What do you think about these eye care tips ?

Images Credit: Shutterstock


Unknown said...

It is too nice and definitely helps for all. Keep posting more. All the very best..

Naveen Kumar M
Zeiss-Vision Care.

Rashmi Bhimanapati said...

Thank you Naveen garu,nice to hear from you.Will update more!

Unknown said...


Ashish said...


Rashmi Bhimanapati said...

UNKNOWN: Thank you

Mr.Ashish: Thank you!

G Mounica Deepthi said...

Hey Rashmi, it's a must needed post for the present scenario. Good one, let it keep coming! ��

Rashmi Bhimanapati said...

Thank you!

Unknown said...

So nice tips. Good job. For the best my